The district administration on Monday imposed a fine of Rs 1 lakh on Le Crest Hospital, Vasundhara, for violating bio medical waste norms. The hospital management was also issued a warning for fudging records. It had ten vacant ICU/ventilator beds but showed all the beds occupied in its records.
GHAZIABAD: The district administration on Monday imposed a fine of Rs 1 lakh on Le Crest Hospital, Vasundhara, for violating bio medical waste norms. The hospital management was also issued a warning for fudging records. It had ten vacant ICU/ventilator beds but showed all the beds occupied in its records.
Mithilesh Kumar, district health officer, said, “We are conducting regular inspections at private hospitals and on Sunday we inspected Le Crest Hospital in Vasundhara. They had put up a sign outside the hospital saying beds not available but when we checked, we found 10 ICU/ventilator beds vacant. Also, patients from other districts were undergoing treatment in the remaining beds.”
Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah, while presiding over a meeting related to the provincial local government department on Saturday, directed the Sindh Solid Waste Management Board to develop.
Those wasting food, including catering services that mislead consumers to order too much food and people making videos of excessive eating, will be punished in accordance with a newly passed law.
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